______________________________ Chronic DIC: Laboratory abnormalities Hypofibrinogenemia ( or relative decrease in fibrinogen) Thrombocytopenia (or relative decrease in PLT count) Fibrinogen-fibring degradation products Increased PT Increased PTT Decreased factors V, VIII, X Poor in-vitro clot formation Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (occurs in ~50%) Cryoprotein(s) ______________________________ Clinical Manifestations: 1. Thrombophlebitis 2. NBTE (Tricuspid/mitral valves) 3. Hemorhagic phenomena 4. Arterial thrombi 5. PE ______________________________ TREATMENT IN APL: 1. Distinguish DIC from primary fibrinolysis Use Amicar if it is primary fibrinolysis Use heparin (low dose CI) if DIC. ______________________________
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______________________________________ How Does It Happen? 1. Tumor cells release specific protease enzymes that can cleave & therefore activate clotting factors (i.e. Cytein protease activating Factor X) 2. Tumor cells release tissue factor 3. Tumor cells activate platelets 4. tumor:PLT aggregates can occur (vis vWF) 5. vWF interacts with laminin, tumors, & PLTS ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Coagulopathy associated with chemotherapy agents: TTP/microangiopathic process: mitomycin C Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: L-Asparaginase MI: Cisplatin Bleomycin Veno-occlusive Disease: Bleomycin Mitomycin Busulfan (POD) High-dose Ara-C (HOD) ______________________________________