UNFRACTIONATED HEPARIN Overall Structure: Alternating residues of uronic acid & glucosamine that are variably sulfated. Sulfation of residues in heparin is a major determinant of the anticoagulation activity of a given heparin preparation. Mechanism of Action: By itself heparin is not an anticoagulant. Heparin binds allosterically to ANTITHROMBIN III to enhance inactivation of serine proteases (thrombin & factor Xa).
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LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT HEPARIN LMWH are isolated from commercial heparin preparations. They are more homgeneous than unfractionated haparin. They have higher specific activity. LMW heparins have a ratio of antifactor Xa:antithrombin activity of 2:1 (heparin 1:1).
________________________________ Low Molecular Weight Heparins Currently Available: ENOXAPARIN (LOVENOX) DELTAPARIN (FRAGMIN) TINZAPARIN (LOGIPARIN) |
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