Activated Protein C Resistance (Factor V leiden) Protein C deficiency Protein S deficiency Thrombomodulin deficiency ATIII deficiency Prothrombin mutation Dysfibrinogenemia Plasminogen deficiency t-PA deficiency Excess PAI-1 activity Homocysteinemia
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Vascular Disorders Abnormal Rheology Platelet Dysfunction Others: 1. Cancer 2. Oral contraceptives 3. Estrogen therapy 4. Pregnancy 5. Infusion of prothrombin complexes 6. Nephrotic Syndrome 7. TTP 8. DIC 9. antiphospholipid syndrome 10. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 11. Antibodies to calpastatin |
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Lab tests that are useless if patient is on Warfarin: 1. Protein C & S functional assays (remember both are vitamin K-dependent factors) 2. ATIII Lab tests that are useless if patient is on Heparin: ATIII